Saturday, 7 June 2014

Cottage Farm pre-survey survey

We are about to take part in a trial of a botanical survey methodology, so we had a pre-survey scan to select particular survey plots for the trial.

My camera is always with me, so I got some shots on the fly.

The first new species for me was a leaf gall on Wych Elm made by the aphid Tetraneura ulmi:

Gall of the aphid Tetraneura ulmi on Wych Elm
Here's a shot of the leaf (I rarely see this species of tree):

Leaf of Wych Elm
Both new to my Species List.

I also spotted feeding signs of what I think is another Aphid on the same tree:

Feeding signs on Wych Elm.

Then I was delighted to spot a single specimen of a male Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens:

Banded Demoiselle
It was very wary and rarely stopped as I followed it around. That's the only usable shot that I got.

New to my Species List.

This male Azure Damselfly was much more photogenic, allowing me a decent number of shots before it levitated away.

Azure Damselfly

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