Showing posts with label Creeping Cinquefoil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creeping Cinquefoil. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Lots of colour

I really like this shot of a 7-spot Ladybird roosting in the emptied seedhead of the Dandelion:

I was taught an old saying "nee'r cast a clout until May is out". Roughly translated as "Don't shed any garments until the end of the month of May". But I have been made aware that the original was "Ne'er cast a clout until the May is out", 'the May' being the flowers of the Hawthorn. Looks like I just gained 10 days.

Dung Flies (Scathophagus sp.) are dung eaters when larvae and voracious predators as adults. I'd say that Dung Flies are the most successful hunters I find in the hedgerows. This one is eating pollen.

The first of the yellow Cinquefoils in this area: Creeping Cinquefoil - Potentilla reptans.