I woke up this morning to a light covering of snow. It's always interesting to have a look for tracks in snow because you can see what has been up and about before you.
These bird tracks immediately caught my eye:

But I had something of a problem. The footprints were about the same size as a Thrush or Blackbird would make...say 4 cm. long. But the bird is a walker, not a hopper. So it's not thrush family. The stride pattern is quite long, so it's a bird with feet that are small for the size of the bird.
Keeping in mind that I live in a more or less rural location, what bird do you think made this trail?
(I have a pretty strong candidate, since I know what birds we have around here, but I thought I'd throw the question open.)
From the pigeon-toed nature of the track and the fact that the bird trails its feet I'd suspect collared dove.
Ah! I'm too late - gill has already made my suggestion. We have a family of collard doves that visits our small garden, though I've not seen more than two at a time recently.
And I agree with both of you..:)
Just dropped in to say I've added you to the links on my blog, so anyone interested can look you up.
I has added you as a link on my blog
I love photos like this. More please! No snow here - just south of Wicklow town- so I can't find tracks.:)
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