The other day I showed ditch liverworts. This is a very common liverwort on trees: Frullania dilatata. I find this everywhere, even in the wildlife deserts to be found inside Spruce plantations. Individual leaves on this species are sub-millimetre in size. Patch about 6 cm. across.

As I was looking at the Hazel catkins, I noticed that the river was very much smoother than usual. The Finn can be quite ferocious at times.

Notice the astonishing depth of field (100m?) for a macro lens! I only managed that because I'm experimenting with ISO 1600, which is as fast as the camera goes. Not too noisy, I think. The image stats say 160th at f22.
And this astonishing shot is very rare to find locally. This is the con-trail of a jet reflected in the water surface.

I don't expect to find a blue sky, never mind a glass-like river surface.
Love that hazel shot (and the swimming plane :-) )
I'm with Gill on this - I love that hazel shot! And who could ever expect such calm river water?
I've always loved celandines and I miss them. Wonder if it's possible to persuade some into my garden. Hmmm.
My garden's full of them, dragonstar, I have to pull some of them up (reluctantly). I don't know where you live, but I'd be amazed if they wouldn't grow for you in a semi-shady corner under trees, for example.
They're all tight shut at the moment as we're well below freezing (nice bright sunshine inthe daytie though, when they will open).
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