Sawfly larvae are particularly difficult to identify: the literature is incomplete and rather out of date, although there is a great deal of ongoing work to tie up larvae with host plants and with the adult versions. Happily, I managed to identify this one on Alder - it's Nematinus fuscipennis:

It's almost the end of the season for many insects, and many will perish as the temperatures begin to drop. This Sericomyia silentis hoverfly was quite inert on Devilsbit Scabious:
Another handsome moth came to light. It's the Red-Green Carpet - one of our late-season specialists:
When I identify new species of mushroom I like to confirm identifications using as many features as I can. These are the surprisingly long and thin spores of the Spathularia (at x 400) that I showed earlier in the week:

When you see these things in close up, Stuart - they are so beautiful.
Hi Stuart - me again. If you have a minute could you pop over and look at my posts on the Netherlands - yesterday's post put on a picture of a plant which I think is datura - I have only ever seen it before in the Greek islands but it seems to be colonising the dunes in the Netherlands. Surely at the rate it is growing it will soon become a pest on the same scale as Japanese hogweed. Have I made the right identification of the plant?
At first glance I thought those spores were going to be fungus worms - they are extraordinarily long and thin indeed.
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