The moss Ulota crispa is always found on the upper side of tree branches, showing no favouritism for any species of tree. Fruiting freely, this specimen shows old spore capsules (brown and open) and new season's spore capsules (yellow and hairy).

People are always looking for something to control Rhododendrons. Perhaps the Vine Weevil would fit the job?

Two microfungi (both new to me) on leaves: Firstly, Ustilago striiformis on a leaf of Canary Reed Grass - Phalaris arundinacea:

And this is the Discomycete Coccomyces dentatus, on a fallen Oak leaf:

Staying with fungi (a fungus is the dominant partner in each lichen), these are the (purely fungal) fruitbodies of Lobaria pulmonaria:

And these are fruitbodies on an Usnea: