
Thursday 12 January 2012

Dry and warm

A high pressure weather system has been lurking to the south of Ireland for a few days, bringing some dry and warm weather. This morning was bright and warm, so I dashed off to a likely spot to see what I could find. An inspection of the stream bank revealed hundreds of Lesser Celandines in bud, and a single flower which is - to all intents and purposes - open:

Lesser Celandine
And right beside it, a single specimen of Creeping Buttercup in flower:

Creeping Buttercup

A nearby boggy area revealed Ivy-leaved Water Crowfoot in bud:
Ivy-leaved Water Crowfoot in bud
And Brooklime making strong green growth:

Further along the hedgerow I found a couple of specimens of Tubaria furfuracea, which is a Hawthorn associate:

Tubaria furfuracea
And Gorse in flower:


Whilst examining a wall for mosses (more of those later) I spotted a few Snowdrops with open flowers:

Well done to anybody spotting the small fly on the flower sheath!

Mosses are truly beautiful in all their parts, especially when they have sunlight to brighten them up. Yes, they are very small, but if you 'get down to their size', both physically and metaphorically, you will find beauty that is almost beyond belief.

This shot shows three specimens of Tortula muralis:

Tortula muralis
Here's a close-up of the maturing spore capsules:

Capsules of Tortula muralis
I'm convinced those setae (the 'stalks' of the capsules) are light pipes that transfer light directly down into the dark parts of the mosses.

Grimmia pulvinata has globular capsules that never emerge much beyond the leaf tips:

Grimmia pulvinata, showing hidden capsules

Bryum capillare has 'nodding head' capsules on long setae:
Bryum capillare capsules
Is this really early January, or did I miss a couple of months?


  1. I like your idea of the 'optic fibre' setae, Stuart.

    Real winter weather will be a big shock to the countryside, if it comes.

  2. Such an interesting post, the mosses are beautiful and I am looking forward to learning more about them. I hope that you didn't get the frost that we had today?
