
Friday 13 January 2012

And then....

Don't count your chickens (although I do every day).

After a few wonderful days, the high pressure arrived, bringing an associated frost. (question: why do high weather systems only arrive in winter {bringing frost} and never in summer {bringing warm sunny days})?

It was only a very slight frost, so I dashed out and got a few shots. 

This one shows leaves of Creeping Buttercup:

Frosted Buttercup leaves

This is the (much maligned) Common Ragwort:

Frosted Ragwort

And a single Daisy was still boldly pushing out its petals:
Frosted Daisy

It's worth noting that frost emphasises the structural areas of leaves, giving an aid to identification if it is required.

Etymological note: Daisy was originally known as "day's eye"'s one of the flowers that opens most early in the day. 


  1. We had a hard frost too, but I didn't go out with my camera. The Ragwort looks good doesn't it?

  2. Toffeeapple: I think a lot of plants look good when the outlines of the leaves are highlighted by frost, although some plants seem more photogenic than others when frosted.

    Mild this morning, but cooling rapidly now (5:30 pm).
