
Monday 24 October 2011


I can't begin to describe the weather we've had for weeks now. Let's just say everything is sodden, including my poor hens, who forget to come out of the coop even in the rare dry moments.

At times like this I work on background research, e.g. looking for identifications for species that I didn't manage to name previously.

So it is with great pleasure that I have found the name for a leafhopper that I photographed on 8th July 2007:

The leafhopper Eupterix urticae - a nettle associate
Not the best of shots, but enough to identify it as Eupteryx urticae, which is associated with nettles. Over 4 years for an identification, but better late than never.

The original page can be found here, and I can confirm that it is an adult, and not a nymph, even at 3mm. long.

At this time, I also work on my powerpoint presentations for next year. I make two different wildlife talks for each year: one for adults and the other for schools. (I also have one that I use for talks for photographic societies). I like to make my talks as interesting and useful as possible, drawing on the photographs that I take and the research that I carry out. If you have found anything on my website to be of particular interest, then drop me a comment and I'll see if I can include it.


  1. That's a pretty little thing. You certainly are a patient man!

  2. Your blog inspires so much enthusiasm, Stuart. What an icredible markings on the Leaf Hopper ... have never seen one like that. We have just moved from Swansea to Suffolk, so I'm hoping to see a different selection of wildlife. Have already seen Avocets for the first time, but as yet, only at some distance.

  3. <> You will, Caroline, I'm sure. Great to see the avocets but don't neglect the little things. Just look at Stuart's pages and the wonder there is out there in tiny plants, insects, fungi, spiders,....

  4. I'd also like to see an avocet. I like it all, really, but the reason I concentrate on the small stuff is because the birds and mammals are already well-served. (And telephoto lenses are very expensive, too.)
