
Tuesday 26 October 2010

Slowing down

Things are definitely getting colder now, and the morning dew clearly shows how many spider webs there are on the Gorse:

I wonder what the spider thinks when it sees a host of water droplets in its web for the first time:

This close-up shows that the droplets have even more minute droplets in between them:

We appear to have quite a heavy crop of Haws this year:

Even though most insects have now gone for the year, Ivy continues to provide valuable autumn and winter nectar for the few hoverflies and bees that are still around. A sunny spell will make Ivy worth looking at just in case:
This curious fuzzy bobble on Germander Speedwell took me some considerable time to identify when I first spotted it a few years ago:
It's a gall caused by the plant louse Jaapiella veronicae. If you open the gall you'll find tiny larvae living inside it.


  1. You have a beautiful beautiful eye

  2. Thank you. You're very kind.

  3. "This close-up shows that the droplets have even more minute droplets in between them:" That's a fantastic shot. Almost like a piece of modern art.

    "We appear to have quite a heavy crop of Haws this year:" Just wait for the winter thrushes - they've already stripped most of our rowans.
