
Saturday 9 October 2010

More new species

This Green-brindled Crescent moth took me a while to identify, although it's rather distinctive once you know the main identification features. These boil down to the presence of green scales in the mid-wing area and the pale 'drawn crossbow' mark where the rear wing edges overlap.

The moth lives on larger shrubs, especially old Hawthorn.

As I was checking the various moths, I suddenly heard a very loud droning and this Necrodes littoralis Burying Beetle landed and proceeded to fold its (surprisingly large) wings:

Burying Beetles excavate beneath animal carcasses, effectively burying them for their larvae to feed on. Beetles, along with fungi, are our main recyclers.

That's two more new species for my list, which is currently standing at 1386 species. I suspect number 1400 will be found sometime in April/May next year.


  1. I shall henceforth think of beetles as recyclers perhaps that will make me slightly less horrified if one lands by me Stuart. When I see your photographs these creatures are fascinating - I have learned a lot from reading you over the last six months.

  2. Fascinating as ever, Stuart.

    Thought you might care to see my excitement over my first Burying Beetle ... here.
