
Monday 24 May 2010

Now you see me.....

Yesterday I took part in a 'bioblitz', where we tried to record as many species as we could in 24 hours. As I sat having lunch, this Ringed Carpet moth - Cleora cinctaria - flew onto the wall and proceeded to become invisible:

Later, as I walked the dogs (I'm a glutton for punishment), I spotted this Mirid bug - Stenodema laevigata - on the emerging flowerhead of Cocksfoot grass:

Both species are extremely well camouflaged, I think.

I have roughly 700 images from the bioblitz to work through, so things might go quiet for a short while....


  1. I am amazed at the way they blend in so well; but then, these 2 species, like many others, need to be able to camouflage for its survival.

    Wonder sometimes what the 1st edition would have looked like, before evolution refined them.

  2. "Wonder sometimes what the 1st edition would have looked like, before evolution refined them."

    I'd guess it started off looking quite different from how it is today, but it's a nice thought....

    When the moth landed, it rotated a bit until it was pleased with its position. Even when I knew where it was, I briefly lost sight of it when I lifted the camera.
