
Friday 14 May 2010

More from Drumboe

One of the quirks of Drumboe is what I call 'double planting' or 'underplanting'. The predominant tree is Beech, which casts a decent shade of its own. But some of the footpaths have young Birch planted along their length, leading to parts of the walk that are twice-shaded, first by the tall (200 year-old) Beech, and then by the underplanted Birch. These dark and damp areas are excellent for insect life.

This is another Tachinid. I think it looks quite menacing with those bristles and long legs. I suppose if you're a caterpillar, then it IS menacing:

The darker areas are also home to Wood Speedwell, which I think is one of the more delicate woodland plants with its apple-green leaves and pale flowers:

I spotted this little (12mm) mining bee on Dandelion. These are quite numerous in the right location. No id yet, but the good and great are working on it.

Drumboe has vast swathes of Bluebells under the Beeches. No white ones yet:

A hoverfly which can be found in very large numbers: Syrphus ribesii, female, basking in a little clearing.

And in the same clearing, the wonderful Hawthorn Shieldbug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale - (which I have never found near hawthorn):

Then something I have never seen before: it unfolded and opened its wings before flying off noisily into the dark part of the wood.


  1. Fantastic set of photos, as ever - especially that shiled bug taking off.

    I always think wood speedwell looks poorly with those yellowish leaves! But the flowers are attractive. I'm seeing quite a few small bees on flowers too - no idea if they are mining bees or not.

    Fantastic shot of the hoverfly - I'm still not very good on their id's but I guess the yellow legs are important here?

  2. Small bees will generally be mining bees, although some might be mason bees.....check your mortar for holes. They'll be solitary bees, anyway.

    Yes....(Syrphus) female rear legs all yellow = S. ribesii (as long as the eyes lack hair. Hairy eyes = S. torvus).
