
Tuesday 8 September 2009

Hateful weather

The Nematus pavidus larvae continue to grow and are currently on their third leaf. The oldest specimens have shed twice and are now in their third instar. The colour pattern is more or less set now and larvae are about 10mm long:

Primary parasitisation by the Campodorus was observed yesterday, but I didn't manage to get a photograph.

The second batch, based on the eggs I showed on 27th August is still on the first leaf, and has been reduced to 21 from the original (very small) batch of 29 eggs and hatchlings.

I suspect this was a final, almost throw-away, batch (most 'normal' batches contain 50-100 eggs), and the benefit of safety in very large numbers will not apply to this batch.

I spotted a pair of Picromerus bidens in cop on Bramble:

A local chap proudly brought me a pair of Giant Puffballs that he'd spotted on a nearby verge. Sadly, he didn't want to leave one with me for dinner:

Specimens about 30 cm. across.

Just for the record, we have had rain every day since 15th June.

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