
Thursday 2 July 2009

Thundery light

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This shot was taken about 15 minutes ago. On 30th May I showed the immigrant Painted Lady butterflies. Tonight I found their larvae on Thistles on the hedgerow. The adults flew 2500 miles to lay their eggs on my patch. How exciting.

Last night was very humid and thundery. Lots of moths and other insects came to light:

First, one of the 'Minors'. I think these can't be reliably separated, so I'll call it Oligia sp. Quite small, at around 12mm. long.

Now a couple of Pugs. These are a nightmare to identify, but let's see how I go with these.

Foxglove Pug - Eupithecia pulchellata:

And Wormwood Pug - Eupithecia absinthiata:

Any and all corrections gratefully received.

And finally, the wonderful Green Lacewing - Chrysoperla carnea.


  1. Nice to see the painted lady larva - I'm still getting faded adults flying. Love that delicate green lacewing.

  2. Lacewing is fab. I saw two last night but didn't have my camera.
    I tried looking for painted lady larva too a week or so ago!! No luck. But I don't know what to look for really. I am told there is a second wave of painted ladies coming - so says a butterfly expert in Denmark. Our painted ladies were way behind their first wave though. weeks.
