
Friday 22 May 2009

More colour (well, red)

I had a hunch that it was time for Damselflies and, sure enough, I found a single male of the Large Red Damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula. Wonderful colour.

It allowed me to take many close shots, so I assumed it had freshly emerged.

The Blues won't be far behind.

I didn't even look at the fern, but it looks to be Scaly (Golden) Male Fern.


  1. "so I assumed it had freshly emerged." not that freshly or it would be pale "teneral" wouldn't it? Lovely shots - and wonderful colour too.

  2. Well, I have to say, I've never seen Large Red in anything but its full colour. Maybe only the blues/greens are pink to start? More research.....
