
Monday 28 July 2008

Single moths continue

My new front-door lights still appear to be working their magic. This was taken well after dark and when I took the shots I thought it was the migrant Silver Y. But when I looked at the flash shots, I saw that it was the resident Plain Golden Y - Autographa jota. New one for me.

Another new one is this Grass Emerald - Pseudoterpna pruinata. Emeralds tend to lose their green colour very quickly, so this must be a fairly new specimen.

I must check my moth will be close to 150.


  1. Well it certainly would have me fooled - looks exactly like the silver-Y at first glance - and indeed second....

  2. First clue is that the Y is broken. Then the overall colouring of the beast is russets and gold/brown, rather than greys.

  3. There is also a Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina) which is much closer in look to the Plain Golden Y. The difference is that it has a black pinched kidney mark that is edged in gold.

    Stuart, if you would like to borrow a portable Heath Trap for a while, I have one I could lend you. I am in Omagh, so it wouldn't be too hard to get to you.

  4. Peter, I've begun to think about trapping. Maybe we can meet half-way..I'd like to try.

    You can email me on cipeen at hotmail dot com and we'll take it from there.
