
Thursday 31 July 2008

More from the filming

I recently showed the nymph of Cicadella viridis. Here's the glorious adult:

This is the much more frequently-seen Frog-hopper, Philaneus spumarius:

And I've yet to get a completely satisfying shot of the Leafhopper Evacanthus interruptus:

The leaf-mining micromoth Mompha raschkiella appears to have been to school and learned how to keep the writing on the line:

These mines can overlap and are difficult to decipher, but I think we have 3 mines here, one of which is still occupied (you can see the 3mm yellow larva in the centre of the shot). These only mine Rosebay Willowherb.


  1. Wonderful - you can certainly see why the froghopper is so-called. You're either invisible or have a lot more patience than me - nothing sits still enough for me to get anywhere near this quality of shot - something to aspire to....

  2. Thanks for that. I normally spend about 15 to 20 minutes a day on photography. When you're out for 8 hours, something decent is bound to happen.

    In terms of being invisible, you have to observe the behaviour of the creature and get 'ahead' of it. You get better shots when the creature turns to face you when you are already steady and still: they are very sensitive to movement. Think hunter and prey: crocodiles hide and wait..lions charge in. Which gets more kills per attack?

    Patience does, however, also come into it. If you bother an insect often enough it can become desensitised to your presence. They also tend to favour one particular plant out of several, so they frequntly return to the same spot when gently chased. Chase them off, get ready at the chosen spot, wait patiently for them to come back...snap!
