
Thursday 3 April 2008

White, white, white

The locations of the very first flowers of each species to open are remarkably consistent from year to year. Some will no doubt be influenced by a favourable location, but others are genetically governed, I'm sure. This is the first of the Wood Sorrel - one of the plants locally referenced as 'Shamrock':

Wood Anemone has been out for perhaps a few days. This blossom is already turning:

The last white for today is Barren Strawberry, again in its preferred early location: a south-facing hedgerow bank.

But we also have a hint of Blue: down by the river Deele the Bluebells are all but open.

Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage has been out for a while, now, making the ditch bottoms a rich golden-green:


  1. I can't see the pics...

    "opposie-leaved golden saxifrage" opposite methinks.

  2. oh, they've just appeared; odd.

    "but others are genetically governed, I'm sure." I'm sure too.
    "This is the first of the Wood Sorrel" one of my favourite flowers - mine are just opening too.

    "the Bluebells are all but open." You're ahead of me there - I've only seen one plant even showing buds.

    Golden sax - yup, another early flowerer. Do you get the alt-lvd as well? I haven't spotted any of that out yet, but then it is very much less common round here.
