
Thursday 27 November 2008

First Book

The first book containing my images will be launched tomorrow.

Glenullin raised bog was rescued from peat production by a band of local people who recognised its value to wildlife and also as a valuable piece of the local landscape - the 'heart' of the community. They received a lottery grant to help with production of (amongst other things) a booklet celebrating the wildlife to be found in the bog. I was commissioned to take the photographs and I must say I'm delighted to see my name on the cover of a book.

Here it is:

Friday 14 November 2008

Drumboe opportunity

After an utterly miserable summer and an extremely short autumn, we appear to be in winter, having already had lying snow.

I managed a trip to Drumboe Wood during a brief period of sunshine. 15 minutes after these shots were taken I was soaked to the skin.

Drumboe is an ancient urban woodland. The main thoroughfare through the town is no more than 150m from this point. The River Finn can just be seen in the distance.

This little slug was wandering across a fallen beech leaf. I'm not sure if the orange colouring on the slug is caused by reflected or transmitted light.

The Honey Fungus, Armillaria mellea:

The strange pearlescent cap to this Tricholoma makes me think it's Tricholoma columbetta:

The minute (5 micron) spores check ok: